
Curriculum Standards

Schools must be safe, inclusive environments for ALL students. Fundamental to this is a curriculum that embraces all, creates equity and access for all, and marginalizes no one.

Constitutional Mandate

Article 7 of the Texas Constitution declares that our state government has the responsibility to “establish and maintain an efficient system of free public schools.” I want to lead in the effort to secure this constitutional premise.

Local Control

Local control of public education has long been a hallmark of Texas communities. Local school districts must maintain their constitutional jurisdiction in determining what is best for their school communities. We must preserve this tradition in the face of challenges to our local school districts.

Board Priorities

Our nation was built on a system of representative democracy. The State Board of Education must listen and represent the needs and values of our constituents including the eight million school age children in our state.

Our Mission

Preparing students for success in life is the mission of our schools. Rigorous learning standards should include the materials that broaden access for a diverse community of learners. In this increasingly complex world, schools must continue to evolve in pursuit of this important mission.